Friday, September 30, 2011

Beauty or the Beast???.......or Go Kill Yourself!!!!!

So being a natural BEAUTY like myself is great but I love to BE EXTRA and Bold!!!

I really want DUDES to realize that if... Women don't wear makeup the world won't completely END but the Ladies including me would be in a crisis.

Do Dudes Really Think Beyonce, Kim K, Amber Rose and other women DON"T WEAR MAKEUP????GEt the HELL OUT OF here.....!! That's Like saying (I want a chick to wear her real HAIR)...............Yea right.....

Now I may agree with the statement that some women shouldn't wear makeup because they don't need it.....But I enjoy wearing it all the time............and people tell me the same DAMN thing...(YOU DON"T NEED THAT GIRL)....Please don't tell me what I need (PEOPLE)

Prime EX. Today.....this dude that has a thing for me said :We gonna get you to stop wearing all that make-up and show some of that TRUE Beauty..........(hmmm.....did he just go there)....I replied Please....If I was RUDE I will tell you to KILL YOURSELF.....but God has other plans.....SO I'm-ma let you know that I'm a EXPERIENCED free lance MUA.....My job is to make people look GOOD and I do a great job at that.....So guess what??? that will Never Change........(DUDE REALLY....your from Charleston SC.......whats your point???)

I Love Makeup and I'm gonna wear it till the day I DIE.......So for the people who have a problem with MAKEUP LOVERS......GO LOOK IN THE MIRROR....(Beauty or Beast????)......Beauty and Body Image Rules the World.........


Its funny can be rite next to someone and they still don't notice you. You ever miss somebody and hoping there returning the favor by feeling the same way??? The way they make you laugh, (Smiling from ear to ear)...... You adore them so much that when you actually get around them you become shy and timid........They love to tell you they miss you and how much you mean to them but its through a (TEXT) love to keep you on the side because they feel comfortable knowing you always gonna be there.......You think you know someone because you spent years.....Enjoying them as your FRIEND and wanting them as your LOVER........... I guess things change when you realize you was ALWAYS their for that person and they couldn't return  the favor. Yea it hurts to care for a person and he drops you for some A$$.GLAD I realized early....SCREWING my best friend wasn't gonna be myANSWER.

Oh yea we still speak occasionally, and his favorite words are (I Miss You) :)I'm never amused......He keeps me laughing.........I don't wanna here that i$h ...........#letgo

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wanting to Dream in color but confused by the Black & White!!!

Have you ever wished you could keep dreaming and not be disturbed by the real world????

Some days I dream in multiple COLORS...for the pleasant moments of laughter and joy....I develop a keen sense for the possibilities of hope of a better tomorrow.......I constantly sit and wonder if I did things a little differently would the change be satisfying in my temporary mind or  everlasting in my ....... distant future. .....Well apparently you can't change the past but you can make use of present time.......

If days were colors rather than a simple day of the week.....What would change?????People would act on their emotions based off the way that specific color attracts their sense to feel .....then based off daily duties or sudden events....creates lasting emotions exactly like in the real world........(ex.hating YELLOW- Which would have been SUNDAY in my world)...If you settle for acceptance rather than being CHARISMATIC will be stuck in this BLACK AND WHITE picture called LIFE ...that's not a classic but a mystery of who you truly @re....missing out on your SUNSHINE because you held a grudge against the RAIN......wearing that rouged red all over your face ..and you can't stop your sorrow... this is what's blocking your ability to DREAM IN COLOR.....  Life is not about being perfect but being able to STAND OUT in a crowd......STAND UP for what you believe in and being able to realize you have a PURPOSE in this Black and White picture....
"Dreaming in COLOR represents the many opportunties you have awaiting in your FUTURE"!!!! SO DEMAND TO Never LIMIT YOURSELF TO JUST ONE COLOR........